Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring Garden Roundup

So I figured I should give everyone a show of what we have ready and in the ground for our garden this year! Everyone loves to see gardens right? Well if you are on this blog you better!

This past Saturday we planted all of our early spring vegetables, and even some that weren't early.

We planted another bed of carrots, like a WHOLE bed. We are gonna have carrots coming out our eyeballs. Which I guess shouldn't be a big deal the horses and us love carrots.

Another bed of beets, yum pickled beets!! My favorite!

A second planting of our greens, salads galore are in our future.

Sadly not everything from our first planting grew, we replanted our peas because a certain SOMEONE who shall not be named decided her bone belonged there and buried it!

My father also tilled a good portion of our old garden and another portion of our lawn so that we can plant more thing that take up too much room in our raised beds. 

This is the old garden! Plenty of room for all the squash we want! And we have a lot planted!

These are three of our four trays of squash! I can't wait to see if they will all produce us some yummy squash. I love squash! My whole family does!

This is our other location that my father tilled for me. If you click on the photo to make it bigger you might be able to see the blueberry bushes in the background. They aren't very big but they look promising so far! Lots of buds for spring! This is where our cucumbers and zucchini are going to go, which is very exciting for this family as we haven't been able to grow either in a very long time. Hopefully we get lots! We have it staked for 6 plants each but with how much room there is we might do more. 

I am already salivating over pickles, zucchini bread, and stuffed squash. I am sure I will have about a hundred new recipes to try, and then share with you all as the summer progresses!

Last but not least is our other bed with our peppers and tomatoes. This one we really went overboard. The whole bed is dedicated to 29 tomato plants and 32 pepper plants. O.O Think I might be crazy? I don't! Those are two of my favorite vegetables! And I really want a lot of banana pepper plants this year because we want to try and can them for use in sandwiches. Like the kind you can buy at a store or sandwich place. YUM!

Yeah I know we are a little crazy to plant that many, but it just means we have more to share! And that's my favorite part of gardening, sharing the food with others and showing them you care.

Anyway I am sure I will have more for you soon. Our onions are already starting to sprout with our rainstorm!


  1. Wow, you have been so busy and everything looks great! I just need for it to stop raining and the ground to un-muddy itself a bit. Then I can go full guns in my garden too.

    1. It's exciting! I always do a happy dance when my stuff starts sprouting. Haha
