So this is what I woke up to this morning, sadly I was expecting rain.
Surprisingly enough though while it rained and sleeted all day I came home to double the sprouts!
My arugula really took off, my kale started popping up everywhere and my radishes made an appearance! My garlic is even getting in on the action!
Like I said I think we have wacko lettuce this year, it's ahead of everything else and just growing like crazy!
So it is supposed to freeze tonight and be colder then usual all week, with like a 50-90% chance of rain everyday. So I put our covers on them to help them out.
My lovely row covers making sure all my greens are snug as a bug in a rug!
More of my crazy lettuce, I have never had it go this crazy! Usually it's my carrots and green onions that get out of control right away! This is new for me!
Well I have your surprise post all ready to go for this week, and I have a seed post coming up as well. Then it's time to discuss that all important necessity in your garden, water.
Have an awesome week everyone! And don't let this weather get you down!
Great covers! i was just out checking my garden for sprouted seeds as well. So exciting. I'll be happy to send you some of our rain. We're getting so much that it's hard to do anything in the garden.