Sunday, March 15, 2015

The beautiful weather

This weather just makes me happy, I love being outside and enjoying the warmer days! And the sunshine! It just makes me happier to be able to get out of the house and enjoy everything. The air smells fresher, the house can be opened up and aired out, and the grass is starting to grow! Even our horses are getting in on the action!

They were so happy to get outside and eat the grass that is out (though there isn't much)

The river is getting swollen with all the ice melting up north, though it isn't as high as it usually is. The lack of water is already being felt and we haven't even gotten to summer yet! Anyways the ice was pretty much completely gone from the river by our house but further upstream and downstream is a different story. The geese however make such a racket, though it is better then living in the city and listening to the cars and trains!

It just all looked so pretty I couldn't help but take a ton of pictures, Amaris loved running around and exploring everything. She got so dirty and then ran and swam in the river. Well she got a bath that night and let me tell you a bath is much worse then swimming in the river to her! She about knocked me over trying to get out of the tub!!

I leave you with one final photo that I just found so beautiful I couldn't pass up sharing.

The one lone goose swimming around enjoying the sunshine.

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