Friday, February 20, 2015

Experiment Part 2

Well I promised updates for everyone on the beer situation and here it is!

The bane of this portion of the brewing process as with the other was the sterilizing. This segment in the instructions was made for resealable bottles, which we didn't have as the glass ones are better and last longer without all that chemical crap that plastic is made out of.

So we poured the sterilization water into the bottles and then let them sit the recommended 10 minutes. We then needed to put sugar in the bottles and fill them up with the beer. Cap them and invert gently a few times and then let them sit. They advise to leave the beer sit for at least a week or two but the longer you go before sampling the better.

So now it just sits waiting to be tasted. Taunting us. Waiting for us to be weak and give in to try it. So far we have been good and are waiting. We shall see how long that lasts.


  1. Sterilization seems to be key for any fermentation project. I hope the results prove it was worth it!

  2. I do too! I'm not sure if I will do this again as it took so much time and is not really sustainable given you have to buy pretty much everything. I would much rather make from what we already have or can produce/grow.
