Friday, November 27, 2015

The plant that never dies

Um. Does anyone else have an explosion of rhubarb? I swear mine doubled in size in the last 2 weeks!! But that's ok! There are tons of recipes we have that are delicious with rhubarb in them! And if any of you have more please share!!
I think it's physically impossible to kill this plant! It just grows and grows and grows! Every year it must double or something because when we transplanted this last year across the yard it was like the size of my hand. Now it's up to my knees. But it's so hardy for Minnesota and I see it in almost every yard I pass when in town. Even the most black thumbs can't fail with this. It's pretty much the only plant I know of that you plant and just leave it alone. Except for some watering if it gets super dry.
I love to talk to my grandmother's friends and find their recipes for it. You always find a unique recipe you wouldn't expect. Anyone else love this plant?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Garden life

Well I went away for the weekend and came back to all this deliciousness. These were all an inch long when I left. Too small to pick. Guess I learned my lesson about leaving this time of year. Yum yum.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Garden veggies!

My garden is producing! Can't wait to taste them!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Harvest time!

So I have been harvesting my lettuce and spinach for a while now. It's just getting out of control on my leafy greens! But today was the first time that I was able to harvest something different! My broccoli was ready! So tomorrow I am going to enjoy my garden broccoli and homemade roasted red pepper hummus! Can't wait! Yum!!

Saturday, June 6, 2015


Well my first year asparagus is doing really well! From what I have read you aren't supposed to pick any of it the first two or three years and just let it go to seed. Then your third and fourth year it's supposed to be ok to pick and eat it. So I've got a ways to go before we have our own homegrown but it's worth the wait! Yum yum!!

Friday, June 5, 2015


Well I know what I am spending the weekend doing! The rhubarb at the farm came in so yummy is in store for me!!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Sissy Love

We love each other so much mommy, we even get into things together! Such troublemakers!

Monday, May 4, 2015

My garden protector

My big fierce protector, she follows me wherever I go when I am outside. She loves getting into whatever I do and usually enjoys digging up what I have planted. Such a good helper lol

Friday, May 1, 2015

Spring Safety

Alright guys lets talk about something that everyone needs to be aware of if they are going to garden in Minnesota Springs. Safety. Well plant safety that is.

With Minnesota springs we can have 70 degrees one day and 20 degree nights the other, we all have seen them, now let's talk about how to prepare for them.

It starts with the weather forecast. As a rule of thumb you aren't usually supposed to plant your early crops, the ones that like the cold before at least the middle to end of April. These ones are your peas, carrots, green onions, lettuce, spinach, and radishes. And these are just to name the most common ones, you could plant anything else that likes the cold as well.

Now you've planted, and your stuff is sprouting, how are you going to protect it if the weather takes a turn for the colder?

There are so many different things and gadgets out there to buy that it would boggle your mind. I use sheets sometimes, or plastic covers as shown in the photos below.

The sheets work great until it rains or sleets as we found out the hard way, then they get wet and just sit on the plants, I wouldn't recommend this for a long term solution, maybe just for a night if it's supposed to get below freezing, usually the plants that I have mentioned above do just fine until it hits the freezing point. Anything below that and I would look for covers.

These are the plastic covers, they are made to go over the top of seed trays so they don't work as well as I would like for covering the garden if it gets cold, but they do work really well if you only have one or two big plants to cover. The circles on the top spin to open vents to let out hot air if it gets too hot, so you don't cook your plants. These are very flimsy though and do have a tendency to fly off if it's too windy outside so I wouldn't really recommend them to Minnesota people as we get very windy in April. These are the two I use, the other ones that I know of are cloches, and tunnels.

Cloches are glass cups, at least they look like them. They are usually used for bigger plants, like cucumbers, or cabbage that you would grow individually and not in a row or bed. Here is an image I found, 

They come in all shapes and sizes and different styles, some are more like mini greenhouses and some are even smaller then this, and though I have never seen them in my local gardening center I know you can buy them on amazon and I am putting a link in case you would like to check them out more. Some come with adjustable air vents and some don't. I personally would probably like them a lot more then my plastic ones if only because these seem like they wouldn't blow away.

Greenhouse tunnels though,they are on my wish list. A few of the other blogs I follow use them and they seem to have very good luck with them. They look like this,

You can also add a door on the end if it is tall enough, and they are supposed to be sturdy enough to withstand even Minnesota winters. I don't know if I believe that they will work but this certainly is next on my list for wants. I left a link HERE for you to look at if you want more information or ideas. The only drawback with these is you have to put up the hoops and the plastic, and if it's really big it can be a hassle. And they don't always come down easily. Though I do like them a lot.

Honestly there are about a million ways to cover your crops, people use old plastic milk jugs cut in half, windows and a frame make an excellent choice as well especially if the windows are on a hinge to allow opening if it gets too warm. The only rule is to keep an eye on the temperature, if it gets too cold cover them up, and if it gets too warm under the cover let it vent. Spring means a lot more tending and watching as the varying temperatures will almost guarantee you covering and un-covering at least once or twice. 

In the meanwhile make sure everything is watered and weeded and enjoy your little seedlings popping their heads above the soil!! Happy gardening!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

I think I went overboard

So I am no longer allowed to go to a greenhouse by myself, after buying quite a bit of plants I think I need more supervision haha.

So I went and bought 3 cucumber plants, each container contains 3 seedlings, so really I bought 9 cucumber plants! And I bought 9 zucchini plants, 3 eggplant, 3 summer squash, 12 cabbage, and 4 cauliflower. And we still haven't talked about the tomatoes and peppers.......

I think I might have a little bit of a problem with my garden addiction. Just a little one.

The the real fun started, my mother came home from the hardware store. With a flat of herbs, 3 elderberry bushes, 3 blueberry bushes, and like 6-9 asparagus plants. Well I think you know where I get it from don't you?

Monday, April 27, 2015

No room for me

Mom a girl needs her room you know! 
I guess that's fine I can sleep on the floor.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

More of my Garden

So I have yet to show you all of my growing things both inside and out, which seems a shame as there is so much more growing on the land!!! I am going to put at some point exactly which strain of each veggie we planted so that I can keep track of how much we got out of what we planted.

So first up are my blueberry bushes, two bushes got transplanted last year and we picked up two more bushes this last summer. The transplanted ones aren't looking so good, and I am not even sure one of them is a blueberry bush.

This itty bitty bush is one of the transplanted, and I think he will grow big and strong with tons of blueberries don't you? 

These are all freshly mulched with pine needles as blueberry bushes need highly acidic soil. Thankfully we have no shortage of pine trees on our property.

Next we have our apple trees, we have two but there are two huge ones down on my grandmothers farm that I intend to pick from this year, if they produce. 

They already have buds out so I am excited to see what the year brings for fruit!!

These trees usually produce pretty well for being fairly small and early in their life cycle. We got a few dozen off the tree last year and I hope to get just as many this year!

Last but certainly not least is probably my baby on our property. I love this tree and I have wanted one for years and so now that I finally have one I am constantly checking on it. My plum tree!

That nice big shoot on the top that looks a little ridiculous is brand new and grew last summer after we planted it. I cannot wait to get fruit from this tree, plums are one of my favorite fruits. 

And I suppose though this isn't veggie or fruit garden what would I be if I didn't show you our lawn art?

These are handmade by my father and my mother loves them so yes we have a million. Dogs are included as lawn art since they spend so much of their time on it haha. 

So at some point I am going to put up here exactly what strain of veggies I planted for future reference so that we can decide what we liked and didn't like, but that is down the line after everything goes in.

Until next time, happy gardening!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

I sleep a lot

It's a really rough life being a puppy dog, didn't you know that?

Saturday, April 18, 2015


When it's raining out and there is a good book calling your name what else is there but to cuddle up with a good book and a puppy dog?

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Holy cow batman.

Looks like the garden has loved the rain and warm weather!! Where did it all come from?!?! Omg!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring Garden Roundup

So I figured I should give everyone a show of what we have ready and in the ground for our garden this year! Everyone loves to see gardens right? Well if you are on this blog you better!

This past Saturday we planted all of our early spring vegetables, and even some that weren't early.

We planted another bed of carrots, like a WHOLE bed. We are gonna have carrots coming out our eyeballs. Which I guess shouldn't be a big deal the horses and us love carrots.

Another bed of beets, yum pickled beets!! My favorite!

A second planting of our greens, salads galore are in our future.

Sadly not everything from our first planting grew, we replanted our peas because a certain SOMEONE who shall not be named decided her bone belonged there and buried it!

My father also tilled a good portion of our old garden and another portion of our lawn so that we can plant more thing that take up too much room in our raised beds. 

This is the old garden! Plenty of room for all the squash we want! And we have a lot planted!

These are three of our four trays of squash! I can't wait to see if they will all produce us some yummy squash. I love squash! My whole family does!

This is our other location that my father tilled for me. If you click on the photo to make it bigger you might be able to see the blueberry bushes in the background. They aren't very big but they look promising so far! Lots of buds for spring! This is where our cucumbers and zucchini are going to go, which is very exciting for this family as we haven't been able to grow either in a very long time. Hopefully we get lots! We have it staked for 6 plants each but with how much room there is we might do more. 

I am already salivating over pickles, zucchini bread, and stuffed squash. I am sure I will have about a hundred new recipes to try, and then share with you all as the summer progresses!

Last but not least is our other bed with our peppers and tomatoes. This one we really went overboard. The whole bed is dedicated to 29 tomato plants and 32 pepper plants. O.O Think I might be crazy? I don't! Those are two of my favorite vegetables! And I really want a lot of banana pepper plants this year because we want to try and can them for use in sandwiches. Like the kind you can buy at a store or sandwich place. YUM!

Yeah I know we are a little crazy to plant that many, but it just means we have more to share! And that's my favorite part of gardening, sharing the food with others and showing them you care.

Anyway I am sure I will have more for you soon. Our onions are already starting to sprout with our rainstorm!